There was a time when we all liked Vishal & Shekhar, Shankar Ehsaan Loy, Pritam, and other popular directors. Times changed and we saw some movies like Omkara, and movies like Raaz, Dev D and Gulaal recently. The music was Omkara was composed by Vishal Bhardwaj, who was also the director of the movie. The album rocked and was also critially acclaimed. When Star Voice of India contestant Toshi became music director with Raaz, everyone welcomed him with the song Mahi re. When Dev D's music was released, everyone started asking, yaar, who is Amit Trivedi? No one knew him before the release. After that, there was another release from Anurag Kashyap named Gulaal, which had Piyush Mishra as a music director. He's the same person who wrote the lyrics and the dialogues as well, and gave a great performance as KK Menon's elder brother in the same flick. Such a multi talented man, I must say. According to me, Gulaal has some of the best lyrics bollywood has ever heard. Even Dev D's music is beyond words. These are some best works from unknown people with expceptional talents.
The Question is, do we still have one of those (which i mentioned in the start) people as our favorite music directors. Even Vishal Shekhar and Shankar Ehsaan Loy shut some people's shops at one time (Anu Malik and Jatin Lalit are the names i can recall).
Please listen to Dev D and Gulaal songs especially very carefully, even if you have heard them already. You will understand what i mean to say. Still there are some old composers who will never die, AR Rehman to be the best exaple.
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